Jamaica Day 10 – A Day of Fun and Reflection

Today was truly delightful!  After spending nearly ten days preparing and implementing multi-tiered and multi-faceted lessons and activities for students at various school and work sites, we finally got a chance to enjoy a day at the beach, where we were able to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. This could not have come at a better time, as many of us needed to take a moment to truly process all that we have done and learned during our stay in Jamaica thus far.

Before hitting the road, we met with the principal of Scott’s Hall Primary School to finalize our teaching and project schedule for the week.  We then headed to the beautiful city of Ocho Rios, where we ate some of Jamaica’s most prized (and delicious) national dishes for lunch: jerk chicken, curry goat, and rice and peas.  Once at the beach, we played in the water, buried each other in the sand, and purchased arts and crafts to bring back as souvenirs and gifts for our families and friends.  By the day’s end, we were all feeling rested and blessed to be in this wonderful country learning, serving, and having fun. While I really enjoyed today’s special treat, the thought of how we would manage to complete our last three projects at the school this week remained in the back of my mind.

The evening gave us a chance to resume our normal (daily) routine of journaling, sharing out our thoughts, and lesson planning in teams.  I appreciated this time because it gave me a chance to refocus my thoughts and to iron out my plans for the week.  As one of the adults/educators on the trip, I am constantly reminded of the need for all of us American volunteers to remain focused on our goal of providing quality literacy and math lessons for our Jamaican students.  I not sure to what extent we’re meeting this challenge, but I am confident that we have definitely made (and are making) a valuable impact.

Janice Nolan, Perry Street Prep Charter School

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