Paraguay Day 10 – Back to Asuncion

It was hard to fall asleep after seeing the natural wonder of the Iguazu Falls and the man-made wonder of the Itaipu Dam.  But today lay ahead a six hour bus ride back to Asunción so I wasn’t worried about finding time to catch up on sleep.  Between sleeping, eating, playing M.A.S.H. and Pictionary, the six hours went by and we got to the Hotel Chaco where we stayed our first few night in Paraguay.

Once we reached the doors of the hotel I was itching to crawl right into bed.  I was putting this plan into action when word spread that the San José students were at the hotel waiting to meet us!  This news was both surprising and nerve-racking.  We were about to meet our new siblings and working partners for the next six days.  Together with the San José students we will be cleaning and restoring parts of the Santa Ana community such as the playgrounds and libraries.

The conversation ran smoothly between us and the San José students as we shared our stories of Isla Pucú and asked them about their school, friends, and family.  The San José students were so friendly and we more than excited to practice their English.  We all hung out poolside watching the sun go down and across the city of Asunción discussing how amazing Paraguayan empanadas are.  The talk of food made my stomach rumble, but soon we [LearnServe] went downstairs to the hotel restaurant to eat.  Before dinner we had to say goodbye for the night to our new siblings.  I am looking forward to the next week and spending time restoring the Santa Ana community as well as building a new community between us, the San José, and Santa Ana students.

Julia V., Bethesda Chevy Chase High School

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