Jamaica Day 12 – C’est la Vie

I would say today was a little different approach to teaching the students. I say this only because the students at Scott’s Hall Primary didn’t quite understand our reason for being there today so when we walked into the classrooms they seemed a bit confused.
One thing that really caught my attention when we first arrived at Scott’s Hall was that Principal Jaggon didn’t introduce us and our donations to the school. This was one of the reasons why the students didn’t understand why we came. The students kind of looked at each other trying to figure out why we were standing there, but as we began teaching they realized that we were there to teach them.
Surprisingly, Shellita, Lekan, and I worked perfectly together. We were like bread and butter. Our kids were constantly working and active. They never got bored. The students were a bit stubborn, but luckily our teacher was there throughout the class, and she even assisted us. That really helped us.
During the project part of the day, I was a little disappointed because I did a lot more work painting in the principal’s office than the painting the room divider I was assigned to design for grades five and six.  I take some responsibility, for we were told to sketch out what our dividers would have designed on them. The divider wasn’t even fully mounted, so we had no other option but to help out with something else. It made me realize that I should be prepared for the worse and that I should always be prepared for my job before anything else.
I guess I learned today that you can’t conclude the color of the seed  just by tasting the fruit. In other words I can’t say that the students at Scott’s Hall were going to be fun and exciting just because the ones at Allman Hill were. I learned that nothing will work out as planned if we don’t work as a team and that we should take in to consideration what our peers and teachers advise us about before we take action. I also learned that people will be people and you have to make the best out of what is given to you; at the end of the day you can’t have everything as you expect it.

Atem T., Central High School

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