Zambia Day 12 – Victoria Falls

After the 6 hour drive yesterday, everyone was eager for the visit to Victoria Falls and the safari today. Once we arrived at the Falls, everyone was surprised at the sight. The waterfall was one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. Not only was I surprised at how large the Falls were, I was also amazed at how beautiful they were. We walked around the area, all of us getting completely soaked, and then took many pictures. Some of the group decided to take a hike down to the river, an area called the boiling point, to see the Falls from a different angle. Although the hike was long and steep, the view from the bottom was absolutely mesmerizing.

After lunch, we were taken on a safari. This was my first time on a safari, and I really enjoyed it! We often saw impalas and monkeys, but we were also fortunate to see buffalos, a giraffe, an elephant, and warthogs. We searched for animals for about an hour and a half, and then we sat and watched the beautiful sunset. This was our first day as tourists, and it was a nice mini-vacation for the group. Going to Victoria Falls was one of my favorite memories from the trip to far, and we are all excited for the remaining week we have in Zambia!

Naomi W., Sidwell Friends School

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