The MoCo Student

Introducing the first county-wide student-run online press network

By Jessica Li, Richard Montgomery High School

Capital Improvement Program… Curriculum 2.0…  Attendance intervention plan… tongue-twisters probably not found in the handbook of everyday terms for students. Yet the intricacies behind these technical vocabularies can never be underestimated. Whether it’s a nine million dollar budget for ESOL programs (English for Speakers of Other Languages) or a new interdisciplinary writing course for elementary school students, changes in our education system not only impacts those within the school community, but also directly affects the quality of our future workforce. As students, it is critical for us to access firsthand knowledge about such changes and to voice our interests in the decision-making process.

In Fall 2012, the Montgomery County Student, the first countywide student-run online press network, was founded to deliver fresh and relevant information about our education system to the 150,000 students enrolled in Montgomery County Public Schools. Composed of press staff in schools across the county, our publication had made coverage on a diverse array of issues ranging from Epi-Pen Policy reform to Board of Education meetings. Our team strives to publish articles on a weekly basis; all articles are written by students.

Our team welcomes submissions from all those with a passion in improving our education system. Please view our works at

Please do not hesitate to contact us at We look forward to hearing your opinions! With the support of our community, our team is confident that we will establish a vibrant foundation of communication that’d truly empower young people of today.

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