A Monday morning shout out!

I’d like to share with you a quick snapshot of my Facebook feed yesterday evening – and why I continue to be so in awe of, and proud of, our LearnServe students and alumni.
  • The Thomas Jefferson branch of Kids Are Scientists Too – a 2012 LearnServe venture – just posted 9 new photos highlighting their latest science lessons for elementary school students in Virginia.
  • Gabrielle Robbins (Fellow ’12) announced that she has been selected as a Park Scholar at NC State, Class of 2017.
  • Brianna Little (Fellow ’12) was selected as a finalist for Ithaca’s MLK Scholarship.
  • Khadijah Wilson (Fellow ’12) was headed to Barnes and Noble to read an excerpt from her personal statement.
  • Yasmine Arrington (Fellow ’10, Zambia ’10) thanked the students at Carver High School in Winston-Salem NC for hosting her at their school.
  • Sameen Yusuf (Fellow ’12) thanked the Annandale High School team that helped make the Just World Festival 2013 such a success.  Sameen ended her post with a “shout out to my awesome support system.”
So I’d like to conclude with a shout out to these students and LearnServe’s awesome support system who continue to make all of the above – and so much more – possible for our students.  Thank you!

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