Paraguay 2013, Day 1 – We Are All One

June 25, 2013

My first day actually getting to Paraguay was great. The plane rides were somewhat long and uncomfortable, but a wonderful ride. My mindset coming on this trip was completely blank. I knew we had a purpose we were coming for ”to Learn and Serve”, But still I wanted to try and find my own personal reason for wanting to attend this trip. Anyway when we arrived the process of getting our visa’s took kind of long. There was only one man doing them. After we finished that we made or way to the Hotel we would be staying in. I don’t know too much Spanish so it was hard for me to understand what everyone around me was saying. Besides that fact I really enjoy just hearing it. I still have yet to find out what I would like to get out of my experience in Paraguay, but I’m sure I will. I wrote a poem of my first day experience:



Cramped, neck aching, but yet I feel no pain.

Too excited of what’s to gain.

Spend about ten hours overall on the planes.

The thought of home isn’t even on my mind, I want to explore, let go, and unwind.

Okay, so the language is hard, but what’s a world without a challenge to overcome the scars.

From the city to the dirt the environments change, but the Paraguayan people, nope they always stay the same.

Empanadas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner who could ever ask for more, but the bread that’s what I adore.

A new family of my own, the hospitality they’ve shown…

We talk, We breathe, We all are one, So lets come together and make it fun.



Chaya B., Perry Street Prep Public Charter School

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