Jamaica 2013, Day 4 – The Hike!

Briana WhittingtonJune 27, 2013.           The hike to the peak of the Blue Mountains was amazing! We woke up at exactly 12:39am. We got dressed in all of our warm clothing ready for the hike. As we started the walk everything seemed fine; then we reached Jacob’s Ladder. It’s like a chain of steep hills that made me really tired. Jacob’s Ladder was the worst part of the entire hike – even worse than how long the hike took. I can admit that this was the hardest part of the hike.

As we kept climbing, there were more and more trees and the path just kept getting steeper and narrower. There were also a lot of rocks to avoid while climbing. Everyone fell at least one time going up or down the mountain. We would get to the top of one hill and think we were done, but then we’d turn and see another hill. The good part about the group I was with was that we would all get tired at the same time, so we’d take a break. We took over 10 breaks, but they really paid off.

I felt good about myself because everyone in my group was complaining that they were so sore; however, I was just fine! The hike really taught me about myself. I learned that working together as a team can really pay off in the future. Even though we didn’t reach the peak in time to see the sunrise, we still managed to get to the peak, which was a major accomplishment. I can definitely say that I WILL be hiking to the peak of the Blue Mountains again – and this time I will make it for sunrise!

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