Jamaica 2013, Day 7 – Waterfalls

AmaJune 30, 2013.       Today was actually somewhat inexplicably perfect. In many ways it was an excellent opportunity for our group to get to know each other better as well as ourselves individually. For me personally, the day taught me that I just have to push myself a little harder and I can accomplish magnificent things. It was an early day for us. We had to wake up and be out of the house by 7:00 and down to Port Maria for breakfast by 9:00. After breakfast, which was delicious, we drove to Dunn’s River Falls. It was funny because the majority of us were under the impression that we were going to the beach. When we arrived at Dunn River Falls, which will be abbreviated as DRF for the duration of this blog, we found out that we’d actually be climbing up a waterfall instead of heading to the beach at the bottom. DRF is in Ocho Rios where 8 rivers in Jamaica meet and flow into the ocean. Climbing it was the best thing ever. Some of the group took the really hard route, which was full of deep water and climbing a lot of really slimy, slippery rocks. Our guide, Leroy Stewart, was really fun and engaged our group very well.

After reaching the top of the waterfall our group left DRF and headed to The Jerk Centre where we had some delicious food! Full from the meal, LearnServe headed for the markets where we interacted with some of the vendors. Very few were left, however, because it had rained before and most had packed their stands and gone home. Our group got the chance to engage with the people as well as have a little taste of what it’s like to bargain for good prices. Afterwards, we took the four-hour drive back to the Bennett’s home where we finished the day with reflections and pizza for dinner.

Ama A., School Without Walls

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