Zambia 2013, Day 7 – Falls, Rhinos and Fried Worms

DJahne BerryJuly 1, 2013.     Today was absolutely amazing. We went to Victoria Falls, on a 3 hour safari and to a place called “Elephant Oasis.” The falls has many gorgeous views. I went across the bridge and got soaking wet, but it was a once in a lifetime chance so why not! There were many baboons at the falls; some were just chilling out on the path. I also walked upstream of the falls and that view was also amazing: we saw a double rainbow! There was a mini-market selling Zambian wares so of course we went to get something. The vendors were overwhelming so I walked away, but not before buying a bracelet.

After lunch we went on a 3 hour safari in a park very close to the falls. Our driver’s name was Alex. We saw giraffe, water buffalos, elephants, impalas, but the most exciting animal we saw were rhinos. We had to be escorted on foot by armed park guides to the rhinos territory. It was amazing to see them so close. One began to run, but luckily we had our guards to make sure we were safe, which we were. It was so cool!

We had dinner at a place called “Elephant Oasis” and it was beautiful! The food was different but delicious. I wanted to try the Crocodile but I was not sure how my body would react. We were also offered impala, fried worms and peanut chicken plus several local Zambian veggies. Traditional African dancers entertained us and soon they grabbed everyone and we all danced around the bonfire they set up. It was so much fun! We also had our faces painted either black or white (little dots in a pretty design) and I got both colors. My favorite parts of the day were getting soaked at the falls and dancing at dinner. It was just overall an amazing day!!

D’Janhe B., SEED Public Charter School

12 thoughts on “Zambia 2013, Day 7 – Falls, Rhinos and Fried Worms

  1. D’Jahne, I’m excited to know that you all are having a great experience. I am looking forward to hearing all about it when you all get back. Enjoy the rest….and keep us posted.

    Sending much <3 from DC…

    Mrs. Honore-Massiah

  2. Thank you for writing a fantastic blog post. You really help bring the experience of visiting the Victoria Falls to life.

    Zora’s Dad–Dr. Dwayne Williams

  3. What a great post! Malik’s was, too! I am so proud of you both. I wish I could be there, but will settle for the show and tell when you return (smile). Can’t wait! Big hug!

  4. I’m so excited that you’ve received another chance to travel and spend time away from the US. Keep doing a wonderful job I love you and can’t wait to see you when you come back home to us. Impala is really good and yes try the crockodiel because its really good and you will be fine.

  5. what a great time in your life to explore and the young. take in all the knowledge that you see, all the memories that cannot be replaced. Continue to be safe and enjoy

  6. D’Jahne, it sounds like you are having a great time and representing SEED very well!!

  7. I am so glad the two of you are having such an amazing time. I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back. I hope you are taking plenty of pictures.

  8. All we can say is “wow”! Not only are you seeing and experiencing a new country and a different culture, BUT you can enlighten folks on what an impala is. Most people think it’s just a car. 🙂

  9. D’Jahne,
    Feel free to live your experience by your own advice, “but it was a once in a lifetime chance so why not!”
    Mr. Stevens

  10. Hey D’Jahne,
    I’m so excited and glad that you are taking advantage of the opportunities presented to you. Girl, do everything you can do, while you can. Take plenty of pictures, the memories will be priceless!
    Love you and can’t wait to hear all about it!

    Mrs. Holton

  11. Djahne,I asn excited to know that you were able to experience life in the continent expanding your horizons being able to experience the life and cultures of another country, continue to Ienjoy ther perks off lifes learning experienced and I cant wait until you get home so that you could tell auntie all about your experience in ZAMBIA. I Love You much and cant wait into you get home daisy mae…..smoochies!!!!!

  12. What an incredible experience, D’Jahne. I am so glad to hear that you are embracing these wonderful adventures. I cannot wait to hear the full story when you return and share with us all. Ms. Subramanian

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