Paraguay 2013, Day 7 – Transition

July 2, 2013.     Today was a big travel day for us.  We woke up early, got into the vans and left ciudad del este for Asuncion.  We were in the vans for about 5-6 hours.  At Hotel Chaco in Asuncion we met our second round of host families.  I think we were all surprised at how well they spoke English.  We had dinner with the kids from the families and also Domingo’s kids from Santa Ana.

I think that everyone is excited to begin a new week.  Although it’s kind of sad to leave San Jose de los Arroyos, and we will miss our host families there, we are all ready to move on.  Tomorrow we will start our work with Domingo and his kids in Santa Ana.  We’ve been told that it is going to be more work with less emphasis on environmental problems and more emphasis on the immediate issues.  The past couple of days have been relaxing and have provided a smooth transition from the first week to the second.

The experience that we had the first week in San Jose affected all of us. We were all moved by the struggles that the people of San Jose go through on a daily basis. We learned a lot about the culture of Paraguay which will be helpful in the coming week. The influence that our host families had on us was large and will carry over to this week.

Bill F., Bethesda Chevy Chase High School

One thought on “Paraguay 2013, Day 7 – Transition

  1. Thanks for the concise update, Bill. Great to hear that all is well. Reading the 7 wonderful blog posts so far sends a very strong message to those of us at home. As a New Zealand Maori proverb says: “What is the most important thing? It is the people, the people, the people.” Thank you for reminding us of this.

    Blessings on the group for the week ahead. We know that you will work your hearts out for Domingo.

    Love, Karen & Jon (Mum and Dad)

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