A Model for Experiential Learning

Young Education Professionals blog talks experiential learning — featuring LearnServe partner the Cesar Chavez Public Charter School for Public Policy

“When did you stop learning?

The chances are, you haven’t.  From finding a new food to learning a new language, in the course of our daily lives we are constantly making new discoveries, acquiring knowledge, and gaining skills. It’s all prompted by one thing: experience.  Unfortunately, in our schools, experiential learning often takes a back seat, particularly at higher grade levels.

Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy are successfully using an experiential learning model to teach their students how to become change agents in their community by experiencing democracy in action…”

The blog post highlights three elements of experiential that are also core to LearnServe programs:

1. Create a real audience by bringing in external judges.

2. Give students the ownership to set their own standards.

3. If you can, take your presentation out of the classroom.

*To read the full article posted by Wenna Price, visit the YEP blog here.


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