Jamaica 2013, Day 14 – Homebound

Today we all left Source Farm, anticipating the beach we would soon step foot on.  Honestly, the day was all a blur so I can’t really reflect on it BUT I do know I will miss the best chef ever Concrete and Celena, who tried my best to make me feel comfortable in the most uncomfortable setting I have ever been in. Right after we packed and loaded the van with Jason and Clive at our sides, we headed to the beach. As soon as we arrived, there was a huge lighthouse that was 200 years old in front of us that we had to climb. Although I’m not a big fan of heights, I realized I may never come back to St. Thomas so decided to climb to the top of the lighthouse.

As soon as we left the historic lighthouse, it was time for the beach. I was so excited to see the clear blue water that transitions for light to dark and back to light. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen. As we laid on the beach, all I could do was reminisce about this trip and how much I have learned about myself and others, how much I learned about Jamaica, how Learnserve has shown me how blessed I really am, and how I can wait to come back and serve this beautiful country one more time. Welcome to Jamrock.

Blair B., School without Walls

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