LearnServe Fellows Prepare to Speak Out

Meet LearnServe Fellows Madison and Alichea, Parkdale High School

When is the last time you saw someone teased, harassed, or picked on simply because of who they are? Did you recognize it as bullying? Stand up to the perpetrator? Console the person these attacks were directed towards?

Madison and Alichea, both students at Parkdale High School in Prince George’s County, ask these questions every day. Both Madison and Alichea have seen bullying first-hand. And both are ready to do something about it.

Read the full post on the Catalogue for Philanthropy blog (published December 11, 2013).


LearnServe Innovators Coffee House: Thursday, Dec. 12., 2013 

LearnServe invites you to meet Madison, Alichea, and the other members of the 2014 class of LearnServe Fellows as they debut their social venture ideas at the 7th Annual Innovators Coffee House, tomorrow, December 12, 2013. The LearnServe Fellows will offer a series of 30-second “elevator pitches” on the causes they have chosen to address and the solutions they plan to design and implement this spring.

For details or to RSVP for the 7th Annual Innovators Coffee House, visit https://learn-serve.org/learnserve-fellows-events/.


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