Paraguay 2014, Day 2 – Paraguay: Vibrant and Inviting

ChiChi, LearnServe Paraguay '14

Landing in Asunción was really exciting, especially seeing the brightly lit city from the plane. The thing that surprised me was that it looked like Costa Rica and I really enjoyed seeing a lot of life around one o’clock in the morning after traveling 13 hours.


I have enjoyed being here so far because I bond with my family more each day and they have welcomed me since the moment I stepped onto their porch. My family doesn’t treat me like an outsider. For example, my two sisters, Veronica and Maria Velen, always find a way to entertain me, whether it is to dance, sing, watch TV, and play games. My host mother, Mirta, never lets me starve and always makes sure I had enough and is not hesitant to ask whether I want more or not.


We have a lot of things in common and always hold good conversations. There is never a dull moment in my house. I also showed them my front camera and how to take “selfies” and they fell in love. Not only do I learn from them but I also teach and vice versa. My little sisters teach me Guarani and I teach them English, sometimes they surprise me with some English phrases like “Goodnight” or “You Welcome!”


Yesterday, LearnServe made trashcans out of old 1 liter bottles to put around the school so the trash could be more organized. We also had the opportunity to taste typical Paraguayan foods that the middle school students made at the nearby school in the village we stay in. We had an exchange of music of the U.S. and Paraguay, and it turned into a dance party.  It was very fun and we got to interact with more students during each song. Today, we went to a soup kitchen that gives free meals to kids served by the nuns at the church nearby. We helped with the vegetables, played games outside with the kids, and took pictures with different kids. I also got an opportunity to be on the radio with Marnie, the LearnServe Intern.


During our time at the soup kitchen, “Comedor San Vicente Paul,” a reporter of a radio station approached us. In the radio interview I was asked by the host what I was doing in Paraguay, how I liked Paraguay, where I was from, how I learned my Spanish, how my family feels about me traveling, what I gain from this experience, and what LearnServe accomplishes by being in Paraguay. Paraguay has been really inviting and I am enjoying my stay so far and wish for more adventures to come!



ChiChi, 17, E.L. Haynes PCS


[Note: The blog for Day 1 will be posted soon.  The group has had difficulty connecting to the internet and will re-send it.  We hope to get the a link to the radio interview as well!]

3 thoughts on “Paraguay 2014, Day 2 – Paraguay: Vibrant and Inviting

  1. I’m so glad the group is enjoying an unforgettable experience. Looking forward to reading more and hearing endless details from Carli when she returns. We miss our girl but are excited about this opportunity. Continue to enjoy!

  2. ChiChi —

    we do not know each other, I read your blog because I was looking up my co-worker daughter’s blog. I just want to tell you to enjoy every moment and don’t take one moment lightly. What a blessing you were given to make this trip.
    enjoy yourself. Mom I hope you don’t mine me blogging.

    again enjoy and take each second by the handful….

  3. Hi Chisom, It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. You had to mention FOOD huh?! We hope you continue to have a truly awesome experience. Please be safe during your journey. We love you,
    Auntie Donna and Uncle Fabrice

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