Zambia 2014, Day 1 – New Friends, New Memories


Today was my first full day in Lusaka, Zambia. It was the best day of my life! I had a chance to visit one of Zambia’s finest schools named David Kaunda’s Boarding School. To be honest, I was nervous considering the fact that I was going to be with my partner, Aka, all day and we knew nothing about each other. This all changed once we had the chance to have a one-on-one session, where we could ask any questions about Zambia, the school and each other’s personal life. Next thing I knew, our conversations started to go smoother and this stranger felt like more of a friend.


Another part of our visit involved taking a tour of two of Aka’s favorite classes. Though I did not get to experience what the Zambian
classroom environment was like (the teachers were not there), I had a chance to meet a lot of new people. My favorite part about visiting the class would have to be the feeling of all the students crowding around me with numerous questions. In that moment I truly felt like a movie star!


When they were asking me the questions, I realized that their educational system is very different to the educational system in the US. For example, one thing I found very interesting was that instead of the students moving from class to class the teachers move from class to class.


Overall, I really enjoyed seeing everyone in the group go through a transition of relationships with the Zambian students. It went from
people giving one-word responses to hearing laughs and giggles every minute. Not only did I make new friends, but also created new memories that will last a lifetime.


Chanel, 17, Central High School


15 thoughts on “Zambia 2014, Day 1 – New Friends, New Memories

  1. Movie star you are truly an amazing and blessed young lady. Continue to blossom and do the work for the cause and watch your blessings flow. Continue to keep you eyes and heart to the hills and never stop dreaming!!

    Love, Hugs & Kisses, Mommy

  2. Hey Chanel,

    Sounds like you’re having a wonderful experience!
    An excellent memoir…keep em coming!

    Aunt Saundra

    1. Hi Chanel, awesome blog !! Wonderful to hear you are enjoying your time in Zambia! Remain inquisitive , ask lots of questions of the student also and hone your listening and observations skills . It’s a blessing to get to learn and experience a new countryvand culture! We are proud of you and keep you lifted that the reminder of your time will continue to be great !! Love ya Ms . Lori

  3. Hey Chanel,

    What thoughtful insights! You painted a great picture. I could actually see the experience you were drawing with your words. I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  4. Gramma said she is very proud of you. Me too. Love you very much and be safe. God bless you!

    Gramma and Jerrod

    1. Chanel,

      Thanks for the wonderful description of your experience. I’m looking through your eyes! I look forward to hearing more. I am very proud of you. This is a wonderful blessing God has allowed you to receive. Continue to keep him first and this will be just the beginning. Keep up the good work. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  5. Chanel—-

    It takes a dreamer to move mountains. Never stop dreaming or seeing yourself there…. anywhere or anything you wanta be or do. Enjoy ever moment in Africa and let it teach you new thnings. Always find a quick moment to ask God to show you things there He want you to see. Have a bless and amazing time. Don’t let one minute slip away.

    What an incredible once in a life time blessing for you.

    Ms Diane

  6. What an awesome experience Chanel. I’m so proud of you!! Take lots of pictures. 🙂

  7. I’m so proud of you. I’ve always seen you as my baby girl until now. You are expanding your wings and doing things that most people in our family have not had an opportunity to do. Conqueror the world Nelly! Glori has the best role model ever!

  8. I’m so proud of you. I’ve always seen you as my baby girl until now. You are expanding your wings and doing things that most people in our family have not had an opportunity to do. Conqueror the world Nelly! Glori has the best role model ever!

  9. I am so proud of the young people in my family. Chanel your blog is exceptional. Keep writing like that and college’s will be coming after you. Enjoy the rest of your journey

  10. I am so proud of the young people in my family. Chanel your blog is exceptional. Keep writing like that and college’s will be coming after you. Enjoy the rest of your journey

  11. You have been blessed to partake in experiences many of us only dream of. Enjoy your time and soak it all in. This is an opportunity to create lifetime memories and I pray for safety during your travels. Can you bring me a rock or some dirt from the motherland?

  12. You have been blessed to partake in experiences many of us only dream of. Enjoy your time and soak it all in. This is an opportunity to create lifetime memories and I pray for safety during your travels. Can you bring me a rock or some dirt from the motherland?

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