Zambia 2014, Day 4 – Leaving Chikumbuso

JordanToday was our last day teaching at Chikumbuso. We were originally scheduled to teach three classes.  Unfortunately, only two out of the three groups came to dance class.  Once my partner and I realized that our group was not coming we decided to walk to a small store to purchase some candy. We still managed to communicate with the storeowner even though she spoke very little English. Since the lady did not understand that we wanted candy, I showed her one of my cough drops and she later realized what we wanted to buy.


Before going to the store I just assumed that everyone spoke English, however after my visit I started to value the Nianji language more. I really started to make more of an effort, and show more respect towards her culture instead of just expecting her to adapt to my culture.  This experience was a great reminder that I was visiting another country in order to experience how they live. I learned that I should not try to bring America to Zambia, but to use what I learned in the US to better my experience in Zambia.


At the end of the teaching portion of the day, everyone gathered for the final assembly.   I was really touched to see how grateful the kids and the teachers were by our visit. By the end of the assembly I really started to realize the impact that I have had on the lives of these people. It was also interesting to see how religious the school was. I could clearly see the impact that the missionaries had on Chikumbuso. The children were praying, reciting Bible verses, and singing gospel songs in English. Again, this reminded me of how much one person or group can influence an entire nation. For example, after I taught the dance routine to the students the teacher explained that this was the first time that they had learned anything like it. Apparently the only dances that they do are ‘free style’ and that the only body part used in traditional dances is the hips. So the fact that my routine involved using all of the body was new and exciting. I saw several of the students practicing the dance during lunch, and even showing it to their friends. After watching the assembly, I started to wonder if my small dance routine could have as big of an impact on the culture as Christian missionaries have had on the country. It amazes me that a short, last minute dance routine really could be life changing to some of the kids.


Jordan, 15, Washington International School


32 thoughts on “Zambia 2014, Day 4 – Leaving Chikumbuso

  1. Wow, way to go Jordan! As I reflect on your faith and commit, I just want to say Go Jordan! You’re young and ambitious. You have overcame great obstacles and have made a difference in the world. You had a vision and you executed. This is worth attention. I’m sure you have touched so many people with your smile and your ability to teach others. I’m so proud of you.

  2. Jordan,
    You have always loved to dance!! That is awesome that you are teaching the ‘Family” in Zambia some of your moves! I would definitely say all of the dance classes and cheer practices paid off in more ways than one. Love you so much!!!

  3. Hi Jordan,
    I am so proud of you and your friends. Keep up the good work. Nothing beats being a blessing to someone else. Be safe.

  4. Sounds like you are having a good time and doing some meaningful work. Keep it up.

  5. What you are doing is awesome. I will be praying for the children of the village you are teaching. I am sure they will remember you and your dance. Keep up the good work. God has a blessing in store for you. Love you….

  6. Thanks for sharing your words and thoughts so beautifully. So exciting for you to have the opportunity to visit Zambia and have this experience. We learn so much from traveling the world and experiencing other cultures. It’s an experience that not many people have and that you will cherish for a lifetime. How insightful for you to try to seek to understand and learn from the communities you are visiting. We look forward to reading more about your journey. Congratulations on creating the opportunity for this amazing adventure for yourself.

  7. Hi Jordan,

    It’s so great to hear how you are there to inspire and in turn are being inspired. Keep up all that wonderful work, you are making a difference in the world we live in!

    Love & Peace,
    ~ Maria

  8. Jordan,
    I think what you are doing in a blessing from God. He said to love one another and you are showing that you are willing to do just that. The experience that you will get out of this will take you far in life. Just stay true to yourself and enjoy this experience. More young people need to have this experience in order to appreciate what they have. Keep up the good work and come home safely. Jackie

  9. Jordan, you are making an amazing contribution. Your courage is inspiring and I am very proud of you! As your journey continues, take every opportunity to learn the culture, grow in your experiences and share as much as you can in the time you have there. I applaud your philanthropy! Take care and enjoy!

  10. Jordan,

    Your blog is so impressive and I can only imagine what a tremendous experience you are having in Zambia. I visited South Africa in 2012 and cannot wait to go back to the continent to experience more of it! Please continue to keep us posted on you amazing experience! I pray that you continue to remain encouraged and truly enjoy your trip.

    God bless you!
    Brynee Baylor

  11. Jordan,
    Wow, what a good observation of sharing and learning. I am so proud of you!!! I am praying for you and your group that you all will continue to be open to the many learning opportunities while on the trip. I thank God for the Missionaries of Jesus Christ around the world. Jesus is the same in Washington DC as he is in Zambia. Continue to enjoy the trip and trust God.
    Love you,
    Aunt Robin

  12. It is so great what all of you are doing in Zambia a place that so many of us have never been and will never go. You are showing them the positive things that Americans have to offer. Proud of all of you and the way that you are representing the United States. Safe travels.


  13. Dance like no one cares!!! It looks like you are having fun!! I’m a friend of your Mom. Can’t wait to see more pictures of your adventure.

  14. Jordan – wow you are in Africa. It is great that you are getting a profound understanding of another culture. The kids that you were working with are so fortunate to meet you as well. I am sure your great spirit will rub off on them. Make sure you take a lot of pictures and enjoy this time. This is truly an opportunity of a lifetime and you will be able to share that experience with those of us who only dream to go to Africa! I am so proud of you – amazing!

  15. Hey Jordan,
    You are doing a wonderful job! We are so proud of you! We pray that you continue to bless and be a blessing to all of those who you are working with. Nyeri and Anaya also say hello!!

    Thank you for being an inspiration to us all!!

  16. Treasure this moment and the HUGE impact you are making on the lives of all those you touch there in Chikumbuso. More importantly, when you leave, make sure to utilize this experience to be the foundation of your future work to impact others and create beautiful change. So proud of you Jordan and hope to hear about all of your travels when you return.

  17. Jordan, all I can is wow! I am absolutely in awe of you! The courage, fortitude and maturity it takes to step out of your “comfort zone” and experience parts of the world the way locals live it is truly awesome and rare. When kids your age are sitting on their bums all summer trying to decide how to pose for their next “selfie” or hang out at the mall, you are experiencing life in a way that few will ever know. More than that, you are creating exciting memories for these children and having an beautiful impact on their lives in a way you may never know! I can’t wait to share your blog with my son, TJ, as I hope it will inspire him to some day venture out to become a citizen of the world in the way that your are right now. Keep up the amazing work! xoxo – Janell Coles-English

  18. Hi Jordan. I’m so impressed to hear about the meaningful work you are doing. Keep are the good work!!

  19. Jordan,

    You are making a HUGE impact on the lives of others in Chikumbuso. As Ghandi says…”Be the Change you want to see in the World.” You are doing just that!!! Continue to let your light shine and treasure the experience you are having, for it is priceless. All the best to you Jordan!!!!

  20. Hello Jordan! You’re doing something that is pretty remarkable. You are teaching. You are experiencing the joy of teaching. Keep up the good work.

  21. Hey Jordan! The program (and I) are both proud of how you are representing us as you travel abroad. You are a great representation of the spirit of leadership that A Better Chance is seeking to create in young people to provide a beacon of hope for the next generation. Keep up the good work, spread love and light in Zambia and get home safely.

  22. Hi Jordan,
    It is wonderful that you are having such great experiences at such a young age. Yes, I believe your last minute dance routine had a huge impact and will provide long lasting memories for the participants. Now if the participates went on to teach others and so on then it would derivatives make a cultural impact.
    I am so proud of you.

  23. Hi Jordan, your Aunt Frances shared this link with those of us in the office and I just wanted to say that I think it’s AWESOME that you are experiencing this wonderful culture and the people of Africa. I pray that this experience will live in your memories forever. Take care and be blessed! Ms. Bea

  24. Jordan,

    I’m so proud of you, embracing a new experience.
    It’s an eye opener at the same time. Continue
    To savor every moment & share.

    Ms. Carol

  25. Great job, realizing and embracing another country, culture and habits and not turning away. Alot of traditions that are done in one country is not always respected and appreciated in another. Good for you to realize that you need to adapt to their culture and their habits. Enjoy your time and cherish every moment for you are experiencing a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Mrs Mona Snead

  26. Hola Jordan! Estoy muy orgullosa de ti!! Estoy segura que esta experiencia te enseñara muchas cosas! Sigue adelante, y cuando te sientas desesperada recuerda que todo pasa ! Besos!!!

  27. Hi Jordon,
    It’s so wonderful to see you embracing another culture. This will be moments that you will cherish for years to come. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Aunt Frances

  28. Jordan
    I am so proud of you and what you are doing,may God keep and protect all of you, may your actions be a blessing to those that you encounter and may journey home be safe
    Love Linnet, Pablo and Mia Griffiths

  29. Jordan!!!

    I miss you so much, darling! Long time no see! I am so extremely proud of you! You’re so adventurous and brave. The experiences that you had and are having are going to help you continue to develop into a well-rounded, intelligent young woman. I know that God will protect you and strengthen you and you will be blessed by this experience!

    I love you!!!

    -Tewa (all the way from Chicago 🙂 )

  30. This is so cool!! You’re truly an inspiration!!! Carry on being GREAT!!! I can’t wait to see more pics, hopefully more elephants!!! Love to you on your journey of greatness!! 🙂

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