Jamaica 2014, Day 6 – “I could see the smiles on their faces”

So today was officially our first day of teaching at Mount James All Age School and it was a very joyful day! Yesterday we got to meet our students and teachers at an informational session.  It was a huge help in understanding the students, the topics they learned throughout the school year, and also their interests and the activities they enjoy. When we first met our students, they instantly became very open and friendly and eager to learn. Coming into this project was nerve-wracking at first because I never taught children before, so it was a challenge to me.  In the end it all turned out very well. Working with a partner was useful and effective because I feel like I had extra help and support for anything I that I might have missed or performed incorrectly.


Coming into the school I was energized and pumped up to start teaching my lesson, while also entertaining my students with amusing activities and games. My partner and I had planned two different lessons according to our strengths and weaknesses. I had decided that since I was strong in English and literature then that would be my subject to teach and my partner Emmanuel decided to teach drama for his lesson because it was a subject that we found out that the kids really enjoyed. For English, I decided to review parts of speech.  Beginning my lesson I decided to do a review to be sure that the kids were able to identify the different parts of speech and their meanings. The kids were very excited about learning and coming into the classroom I could see the smiles on their faces. After reviewing and realizing that they did know the subject well, I decided to let them play a competition game of charades involving verbs, boys vs girls, which of course the girls won!


Going into the game, they were very eager as they were moving around their seats to form the two groups. I even asked the girls if they were ready to take victory over the boys and one girl loudly said, “Yes Miss!” while the boys were on the other side shouting “No! We’re going to win.”


After the game I gave them an assessment on the subject by giving them a quiz. Every student passed.   No one got more than one wrong out of five questions, which put a huge smile upon my face. With the success of their quizzes I decided to let them enjoy yet another game – Pictionary. After the lesson it was time for a break and the students went outside to play. The girls were very excited to change into their play clothes. My students and I enjoyed a skillful game of soccer (or football as they say here) for the remainder of time. After break time we got an extended time to play football since it was Friday, which was their Physical Education day.


After teaching was over I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders because of all the nervousness that I felt. When our classroom time was over for the day, we had a chance to go over the issues in the school that needed some fixing such as repainting the preschool classroom to make it more comfortable. After leaving the school we went to buy supplies such as paint, paintbrushes, face masks and all other materials we needed to start our project. Tomorrow we will officially begin starting on our project for the students. It is something that I am looking forward to because it will give me that feeling of selflessness and pride knowing that when I leave Jamaica I will have made a difference even if it is a small one.


Jakia, 17, Perry Street Preparatory School



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