Jamaica 2014, Day 9 – We All Continue to Grow

“The key to a successful life is to reject the process of concerning your actions and choices with limitations.”Bishop Bernard Jordan


The feelings of accomplishment from the tasks performed to date and the realization that it will all end in a mere 9 days, makes the half way mark of our journey to Jamaica bittersweet.  Remembering my decision to take on the responsibility of chaperoning DC-area high school students outside of the country, I wondered in what ways I could contribute to their growth in cultural awareness, global responsibility and leadership. Our group leader Ginea Briggs more than prepared us in thoughtful ways about the importance of servant leadership and the possibilities of altering our view of the world through our openness to the experience.  My mother often challenged my siblings and I to be servant leaders, so I am no stranger to community service, volunteerism and selflessness. What I didn’t expect was how much I would have to stretch myself within the leadership learning goals outlined in our LearnServe binders.


Each day, beginning with our 7 hr lay over in Atlanta, I guided us through exercises that challenged our understanding of LearnServe leadership learning goals in lesson planning and the application of our lesson objectives. I jumped in with both hands, taking on assertiveness through engaging our team in the development of lesson plans.  It was during our struggles of trying to create a passion around academic content and the vulnerability of attempting to transfer that passion to the students both at Penlyne Castle and Mt. James All Ages, which is now Mt James infant primary, that I was able to really see the strength and genius of the children in my care. I carefully constructed workshops to help them reveal themselves to themselves. We had some really good kicking and screaming moments that took most of them way out of their comfort zones, but they rose to the occasion in very humbling ways, all in the midst of fluctuating itineraries, resources and stamina.


Today, as we muscled through book cabinets that looked as if they hadn’t been touched in 5 years and continued to finish murals for the infant center, I felt extremely proud of our group. They clearly were committed to change making with every step. I’m still amazed at the difference of the space from our first day working in it on Saturday, that we are a little less than ¾ of the way finished.  The murals are so vibrant! They actually look like they are jumping off the wall. Mica really out did herself with her images of Kingston linked by a bridge to Washington DC. It definitely adds a special touch and long lasting memory of our time at Mt James infant primary school. A big thank you to Ms. Paulette Andrews and her teaching staff and support personnel including the parents and students  for being so gracious and welcoming to us.


My wish is that we all continue to grow in profound ways and hold on to the parts of us that are shining thus far in ways that spark the same qualities in others on our life’s journey.  This is truly one for my books and I am grateful for everyone involved in Learn Serve projects, as well as, our partners here in Jamaica, Blue Mountain Project –Euton and Chevanaize and the phenomenal Bennetts of KBC learning here in Jamaica, for your dedication to make helping others both in our respective homelands and abroad the new “norm”.


Randee, teacher at The SEED School


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