Zambia 2014, Day 8 – I will never forget

“’I’m in Africa.” It blows my mind to even say it. I can not believe I am out of the country with no communication with my family and friends for more than a week. At the beginning of this trip I was curious and exited to see more of the world. But as the days went on I began to miss my family until it was the only thing on my mind. Even though I have plenty of distractions like the great new friends that I have made or the kids from Chikumbuso that wanted to know everything about me, but it is not enough to distract me from what my mom might be doing or who may be missing me as well.



Today was our final day working with Greenpop planting trees. Even though I am still a little sore from helping plant over 500 trees, I am excited to be working with new kids who are so passionate about cleaning their community. Arriving at the school and seeing how eager the students were to work really made me realize how much they care about each other. I know planting trees doesn’t sound like much but having conversations with the kids and getting to know them was an incredible experience.


Getting to know all of these people with completely different backgrounds is a very interesting experience. From the other LearnServe students to the South African students I met at camp, it has been an awakening. These past couple of days I will never forget and I hope to continue to know more people and learn different things.


Don, 16, Eastern High School




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