Zambia 2014, Day 9 – Don’t stress, just fix it

YazmeneToday with Greenpop we planted over 500 trees on a farm. This was very exciting to me because since I’ve been here at Greenpop, I’ve learned about many different types of trees and how they grow.  Greenpop inspired me because when I get back to D.C I would like to start a Greenpop campsite or program. Although we have many trees in Washington we don’t do a lot of recycling, not even in schools. That is something that I would like to start.


Jeremy (one of the starters of Greenpop) says that in 2 years he’s planning to bring Greenpop to the states. In 2 years I will be in college but I wonder if I can start a club in college or the city that my college is going to be in. Some of my partners in LearnServe said that they would be interested in helping if I’m really serious about it.


This trip has taught me how not to be so stressed about things. I say this because there are families in Africa who barely have anything but they’re not stressing. They value family and take care of each other.  They come together as a community to try to improve their situation and make a living.


The lesson I’ve learned- DON’T Stress Just Fix It!


Yazmene, 16, Ballou High School


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