Jamaica 2014, Day 12 – What you need, not what you want

Today was our last day working on our community project (painting two murals, creating a library, a hopscotch board, a tire swing, and playground) for Mount James Primary and Infant School. It was very fun to work on and I have to say my favorite time was working with Ms. Ginea with the library and painting cartoon characters in the Mount James School. It gave me a chance to bond and be vulnerable to her. She pulled me aside when we were alone and discussed with me some of the things she saw going on. She explained that she had seen some of the teasing going on amongst the group that was mainly aimed towards me and wondered if it bothered me. I told her that it did, but I know they’re just joking. I try not to let it bother me, but in actuality it really does and I found myself becoming comfortable with telling her why.  It helped that I did and caused me to display a lot of vulnerability towards members in my group. I feel proud of myself for accomplishing that leadership goal I set for myself at the beginning of this trip.


Also, today I had so many great experiences. I learned about the different types of communication including verbal and non-verbal. I learned that how you communicate with others could affect the relationship you have with them negatively or positively. Another accomplishment was successfully sorting the library books belonging to Mount James using the Dewey Decimal System to complete the task. We had a system going where we sorted them based off of categories, alphabetized them based on authors last names, and then placed them in their assigned cabinet. It was really fun considering we had about four hours to finish an entire library and came across all sorts of creepy crawlies.


Later, I  realized that what I have changed about myself and my values based off of the reflections we have completed is to be conscious of my resources and how I use them.  Jamaica is going through a drought, so water is very limited. I’ve changed my values by being more appreciative of the things I have rather then what I don’t have. It’s more about what you need, not what you want.


At the beginning of the trip I didn’t anticipate having to organize a library for the school. It was sort of a last minute decision to implement that. However, I will say that I enjoyed it and it taught me how to successfully organize a library using the Dewey Decimal System. I expected to paint only a mural and build a playground but that isn’t what I experienced. I am so glad and fortunate that I have been able to experience and intake the amount of knowledge I have. It’s a great pleasure to learn and explore so much. I’m going to miss the bonding moments dealing with the community project and my LearnServe Jamaica 2014 Group.


Chivaune, 17, Perry Street Prep



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