Zambia 2014, Day 11 – The Weight of Water

On this trip I have learned how grateful I am to have clean water to use and I don’t have to walk two miles to get it.  Water is heavy, up to five gallons, and some were carrying it on their head.  It showed me how the little kids were going crazy over a penny.  It showed me to stop taking stuff for granted.  The school learning system is way different from us because they have free learning til the 7th grade and some people’s parents don’t have the funds to see their child move on to the 8th but for the U.S. some schools are free until we go to college.


It made me realize how lucky we are to have a free school system.  This experience has shown me how grateful I am to have different food and a pair of shoes.  I say different food because the kids here eat the same thing over and over again which is nshima, which is sad because some kids have no choice but to eat it or don’t eat at all.  I say a pair of shoes because some kids have to walk bare foot on the sand and rocks.  For me I cry when I can’t get the shoes I really want or a new pair of Jordans every weekend but now I see how lucky I am to have the things I have.


Maurice, 16, Friendship Tech Prep Academy



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