Zambia 2014, Day 14 – Getting people involved

PreciousThis trip has made me grow in so many ways from leaving Washington, DC.  It was my first time going on a plane and to a place across the world leaving my family and friends.  I was nervous for so many things- of never being alone, not being able to pick up my phone and just call my family to talk.  There were days when I was overwhelmed.  There were days when I cried and wished I could talk to my mom.


Coming on this trip I knew there would be bumps along the road and I would have to deal with them in my own ways, so I did.  It took a lot because I’m used to going to my mom or friends when something is hard for me, but what I didn’t expect is how much I would grow in the little time I’ve been here.  Since being here, I have been exposed to so many new things.  I met friends, planted trees with local farmers, taught orphans in an impoverished community in Zambia, met inspirational teenagers who lost parents to AIDS, camped out under the stars and tasted different foods.


This trip has impacted my future a lot.  I have a need to help people who are in need with clothes, food and other things if I can.  I also have been thinking about making my own group and getting people involved at my school to help these communities.  I’m grateful I have had a chance to come on this trip.  Not a lot of people can say that they went across the world to Africa.  This trip changed me.  I look at things different now and I’m so thankful for everything I have learned and everything I’m going to work for in the future.


Precious, 18, Friendship Tech Prep Academy



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