Zambia 2014, Day 13 – “All it takes is one person”

RawonToday we left the Greenpop camp site. We left behind some new friends from the South African school, but before we left I had the chance to help the DJ on stage get the morning party going as they prepared for their biggest plant day. They are planting 1,000 trees today. We also, for the first time in forever, were able to have a somewhat American lunch. We went to Olga’s which is a pizza place.


From Greenpop, we drove to our next sleeping spot, Wasawange Lodge. I was happy we didn’t come here first because the way it was set up was like we had never left the US. My room had a full kitchen, 2 bedrooms with full sized beds, a dinning area, and a nice sized bathroom. There was a spider problem, but it was still the nicest place we’ve stayed.


To explain a little about Greenpop, it is a camp that helps the environment. They plant different types of trees that will help support the local community. They also inform the youth about deforestation. I thought it was interesting how they reached out to the youth. They started young so that when the youth takes over, they can be aware of the situation. This inspired me to want to start my own project in the United States.


In the evening, we had a reflection in which we were supposed to think about a program that would help a problem that we saw or are worried about. My idea was to use social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumbler, to bring awareness to the lack of education, gun violence, and teenage drinking to the youth. My plan was to use photography to show these things. Much like Greenpop, I will make a difference.


I saw how Greenpop started with one person who saw a problem and took the right steps that was necessary to fix it. From this I’ve learned that all it takes is one person, one idea, and one action to make a difference.


Rakwon, 15, Washington Latin Public Charter School


[Due to technical difficulties, this post arrived late.  We hope you enjoy it regardless!]


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