LearnServe Alum Yasmine Arrington in Washington Post

We are excited to share that LearnServe alumna Yasmine Arrington, founder of ScholarCHIPS, was featured in the Washington Post.  (In case you missed it, click on the image below for the online edition.)

Columnist Petula Dvorak has followed Yasmine from when she first pitched ScholarCHIPS at the LearnServe Panels and Venture Fair in 2010 all the way to her graduation from Elon University last Saturday.  ScholarCHIPS is breaking the cycle of incarceration through college scholarships, mentorship, dialogue, and advocacy on behalf of children of incarcerated parents.  We are inspired by Yasmine’s example, and look forward to all that she – and all our other LearnServe alumni graduating college this spring – will accomplish as they enter the next phase of their careers.


Yasmine headline

Yasmine article

To read the full story online, click on the image above or here.  You may also enjoy Petula Dvorak’s 2010 and 2012 Washington Post columns about Yasmine and ScholarCHIPS.


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