Taking Off

June 23, 2015 – All three LearnServe Abroad groups are on their way.

LSJ 15 at Miami airportThe first group was LearnServe Jamaica, bright and early at 5.30 am at National airport, struggling to make it in time to the plane due to computer glitches at check-in – luckily AA held the plane for the group as the last 4 raced to security 30 minutes before take off … No time for a group photo at the airport – they sent this from Miami instead.







LSZ 15 at DullesLearnServe Zambia managed check-in very smoothly – everybody arrived in time and well prepared!










LSP 15 at Dulles airportLearnServe Paraguay had a few participants with much too much luggage but everybody managed to take out non-essentials from their bags and send things back home with their parents.









By 11am all groups are in the air.

Thank you to all parents for getting last minute tasks done! Stay tuned for blogs and photos from the trips.


2 thoughts on “Taking Off

  1. Although, my daughter is a teacher and hidden behind the students in the picture, I appreciate seeing her on her trip to Zambia.

  2. Although, my daughter is a teacher and hidden behind the students in the picture, I appreciate seeing her on her trip to Zambia.

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