Jamaica 2015, Day 6 – Inspiration

Joycelyn Banson Monday June 29, 2015  – Today was our first day teaching the students. It was quite hectic and a bit exhausting.  I did not teach but instead I helped Mira and Raman with their lessons. The most challenging part of the day was transitioning from one class to another. The students were not aware that the class lesson was changing because I stayed in the same classroom (confusing the students a little). Additionally, quieting the children and corralling them was difficult because most of my team mates were soft spoken and not used to speaking loudly in front of several children, causing me to speak louder and reiterate statements made by Raman and Mira. I enjoyed playing with the kids and running around again. But, the most powerful part of the day was leaving them. Most of the Learn Serve participants had a child that was attached and obsessed with them. I had Nekovia and another young lady that loved playing in my hair and sitting on my lap. When I told them I was leaving the expression on their faces changed from happy to sad in less than 2.5 seconds. Then after we ate lunch and said goodbye to the kids, we started working on the mural and the garden. Picking weeds can drain a person out especially after spending four hours playing with kids. Playing with the kids is the most memorable thing we have done and I feel like I actually have done something significant.  By me spending time with the students made me realize my deep love for children and education so I now have more guidance in terms of a project to create. I hope to one day create an organization that incorporates health, education, and children to help solve a millennium goal set by the United Nations.

Joycelyn Banson , Parkdale High School

One thought on “Jamaica 2015, Day 6 – Inspiration

  1. Hey, Joycelyn

    It sounds like you are having soo much fun and learning soo much about your strength and weaknesses. I am sorry I could not be there with you, but I am glad to see you are enjoying yourself. Make sure you take a lot of pictures and come back here with a lot of stories to tell. I can not wait to hear more about your experiences there…

    – John N.

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