Zambia 2015, Day 3 – Children and bikes

June 26, 2015 – This Friday morning was a very great experience with my LearnServe Team. We were given the opportunity to visit The Children International Center in West Lusaka, Zambia. Traveling to the center was difficult to observe because it shows the slum areas that are overpopulated and extremely poor. Every corner had several young kids wondering around with smiles and waving as we drove by. Even though the center of Lusaka was well put together, West Lusaka was the total opposite.


We finally arrived to the center and had a chance to meet the kids that were sponsored by individuals from all over. I felt bad at first to see Zambians in bad living conditions, but once I saw that someone could have a positive impact on children’s lives, it made me feel much better. It was amazing to meet a teenage girl named Memory, who was sponsored by Eve’s mother, who has been donating to her since she was 9. Memory reveals how Zambians are so appreciative of their education and opportunities. The kids are so passionate about their futures and becoming someone  who will have a positive impact on their country. It was just so crazy how inspired they were by us and our lifestyle. Even though they were less fortunate, they still seem so happy and excited with the things they do have.


After leaving The Children International Center we headed to a factory to see the Zambikes that were made out of bamboo. These bikes later develop into Zambulances and Zamcarts to make life for Zambians much easier. These creations gave Zambians access to improved transportation.

Zambikes 1


Shavonne Fraley, Friendship Tech Prep Public Charter School

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