Zambia 2015, Day 4 – A good day

Jaleel headshot June 27, 2015 – Today, we took a trip to the Dutch Market. It was extremely fun. We learned a lot about the Zambians and how they sell their merchandise. As I walked through the market, Zambian workers would just randomly walk up to me and grab my arm to try to sell me items. It was funny to me because Ryan was also chased by someone as we were leaving the market.  Negotiation played a big part in today’s trip when trying to buy things for lower prices. From giraffes to elephants, we all brought great gifts for you all back home. After two hours of shopping we fetched something to eat.  You could smell the grilled chicken, sausages, chips, kabobs, samosas, and smoothies as we walked through the pandemonium of the market. Lunch was so delicious. About an hour after eating lunch we boarded the bus and went back to the guest house. Back at the guest house, we played a card game called Kemps. It’s a new partner game I learned this trip. We played Kemps very intensely for about an hour. Playing Kemps built teamwork and communication experiences for everyone. Delvon and I won!  The power was also out for about more the half of the day. The power being out definitely helped everyone grow closer while trying to see in the dark. We used our cellphones as flashlights. Then, we played hide & go seek in the dark.  Clarence and Naveed were so scared. We then ordered Pizza Hut  because we did not have water or electricity to cook. After eating dinner, we sung happy birthday to Olivia for her birthday.

In conclusion, today was a good day.


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