Zambia 2015, Day 8 – Girls’ soccer

Olivia headshot June 30, 2015 – Today with Learnserve we traveled to Highland Elementary School to paint a mural and plant trees. I was part of the mural painting group, and it was a fun experience that brought the kids from the school and the kids with the program together. What was most touching was playing with the children, teaching them how to create ‘eco-bricks’ (plastic bottles filled with soft plastic waste which can be used to insulate homes), and to see how proud they were that they were able to be resourceful with their trash. It was also inspiring to teach them a pledge to take care of the trees. I know that maybe one day the next generation within the Livingstone will change its mindset and have an increased consciousness of how to deal with waste.


Later on in the day, we went to a local soccer field and played soccer with the locals. As a girl, I did not feel particularly welcomed by the rest of the boys playing, and no one passed to most of the us who were playing. People who lived within the village came to look and so did all of the children – including other girls who lived nearby. I think our presence must have given them to courage to ask to join, and soon enough, we had our own separate girls game going, which was a lot of fun. I hope that we helped empower the girls in some way because I don’t think that the local girls get the chance to play soccer very often.

Olivia Noss, Washington International School

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