Jamaica 2015, Day 12 – Mixing Music

Joycelyn BansonToday was our first official day of teaching at Maxfield Park Children’s Home in Kingston, Jamaica. Since, I have a deep passion for music and arts education,  I taught a music class with Malik. During the class we taught the children how to write a song/rap and each student had contributed a line to the song on any desired topic. After writing the song the students performed it for us with a beat. The song was amazing and shows how one expresses themselves through different styles and ways.

Typically when I think of raps I don’t think of reggae or Jamaican dance hall music being incorporated into raps. I found it very interesting that they can turn a traditional activity and transform it into something of their own. The most powerful moment of the day was when a little 6 year old girl came up to me and gave me a book she made with Ms. Grant about flowers. It was so sweet I felt so good and it made me acknowledge that I must value the little things in life. Life is too short to not live in the moment. I learned to disconnect sometimes because I can get caught up in the internet and social media rather than enjoying conversations and interactions with others.


Joycelyn Banson, Parkdale High School

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