Zambia 2015, Day 12 – A reason to not give up

July 5, 2015 – Today, at “Daughters’ Vision,” an organization that supports girls’ education, seeing many kids outside with smiles on their faces and seeing how excited they were waiting on LearnServe to step off the bus made me remember why I came to Zambia.

I was part of the outside games/activities group and I was a little nervous because there were at least 30 kids running around, excited and ready to play. I have never taught or watched over this many kids at once. Once we started the activities the kids surprised me because they took over and starting teaching the games they play. We played with chalk and blew bubbles. It was hard to teach because the kids didn’t know much English and they were doing unexpected things, like putting the chalk all over their faces and drawing on each other. I loved seeing them dancing and interacting with each other. We enjoyed playing with the kids and seeing them have fun.

Before we went for a lunch break, LearnServe had a talk with a few older girls from Daughters’ Vision. We were talking about education and problems that young people in the U.S.A or Zambia are facing now. I was especially moved to learn that when young girls get pregnant in Zambia, they have no help even from their government. By the time we left for lunch, I was feeling exhausted, but also moved by the potential of all the girls I had met.

When we arrived back at Daughters’ Vision after lunch, I saw that there were fewer kids but some of the same faces. Once again they were so excited to see us. I was upset because even though I was tired,  I still wanted to play with the kids outside. I knew that if I gave up on myself, I would be giving up on the kids that waited for a moment to remember. Their smiles and excitement also gave me a reason to not give up. After everything thing was over I thought to myself that at least I would be a person that can say I didn’t give up and managed to keep a smile on my face.

Jazmin Thurston, Ballou High School

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