LearnServe Zambia 2016, Day 4: We Should All Be United

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 – The activities we did today at Greenpop were fun for me and helpful to the local community. We planted trees in a field next to a church that was founded by a couple from Bethesda, Maryland. These trees would help supply food for people that have a hard time getting food. We made holes for the plants, watered the plants, and learned about the land. The work was difficult especially in the heat. I don’t think I’ve ever sweated this much. While the work I’ve been doing with Greenpop has been rewarding, the friends I’m making has been eye-opening.

The other students at Greenpop are from around the world. I and my American peers have gotten to communicate with Zambians, Japanese and South Africans from Cape Town and Johannesburg. It has been fun learning about their favorite celebrities, popular music artists, how they pronounce words, and the type of hobbies they do back home. I’m learning that The United States is a fantasy land, and a television show to them and many non-Americans. Many Zambians see America as a great and perfect place, but it’s really not. They base that idea on the accomplishments, media, international status, and how others adore America. They’ll ask me, “How’s life in America?” and when I give them an honest answer their body language changes because what they have been told wasn’t completely true. The South Africans teens were very excited to meet us and we had fun comparing our lives. We both have the life of an ordinary teenager, but tragedy doesn’t come to South Africa as in America. Tragic events are normal to Americans to a point that we are not surprised when something bad happens.   The South Africans heard major news like 9/11 and the shooting in Orlando, but when they hear common news like school shootings, murders, robberies, and police brutality they are shocked because they say it isn’t normal for their country. They really love American culture, but don’t understand complete American reality. However, the South Africans love watching CNN because they get the opportunity to laugh at Donald Trump, as do I.

I’m having fun and learning a lot. To bring a great cause is the main objective here and I am truly glad I came. This trip has warmed my heart and made me happier, to the point that I want to express my love for world and bring joy to it because we’re all human and we should be united.

Peace to the world,

Markel M., Friendship Tech Prep Public Charter School

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