LearnServe Zambia 2016, Day 7: A Different Light

IMG_3695It’s been seven days and six nights since I’ve arrived in Zambia, and being here is still a surprise to me. Never would I have thought for my first time oversees I would be in Africa. From the very first day we arrived there has not been a second that has gone by where we haven’t been doing something impactful. We visited a “Boys and Girls Club” called Africa Directions which is a program for young people in the neighborhood to spend their time after school and for the past few days we have been in Livingstone working with an organization called Greenpop where we help plant trees and more. Each one of these programs opened my eyes to all the issues Zambia face as a whole which made me understand the importance behind what we are doing. Being here at such a young age and working within impoverished communities makes you see things from a different light. It teaches you how not to be selfish, and it also makes you realize how lucky you are to be living in America.

Today was our first day together after leaving Greenpop and I am feeling great. I woke up with much enthusiasm and excitement ready to start the day. Although it was bittersweet that we had to leave Greenpop that feeling was quickly overturned with joy. We visited a local school based in Livingstone named YCTC that works with ages 13-24 to help them get certified in different fields. Their certifications range from Carpentry, Electric, Sewing, Computers, Plumbing and etc. They are working with young people to introduce them to specific skills and experiences so they can receive jobs. Walking around the school and seeing what the school is trying to accomplish reminded me so much of DC. In the DC area, we have many programs that help young men and women who don’t finish high school to receive a diploma and a job, and being around someone with determination to make a difference made me fill at home. Seeing young people with ambition to work hard so they will be able to create a future for themselves and knowing they have a great support system made my eyes light up with happiness.


Aliyyah  J., McKinley Technology High School

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