LearnServe Jamaica 2016, Day 10: Taste of Paradise

Jordan TJuly 3, 2016 – Today, we got a taste of paradise during our visit to Konoko Falls and the Ocho Rios Bay Beach. ‪At 8 A.M. we boarded Mr. Harrison’s van and began the 1 hour and 30 minute drive toward Konoko Falls.

Konoko Falls was previously known as “Cayaba” or “Paradise.” The land is several hundred acres large and was once owned by a large family. Now, it is a commercial tour site home to many exotic and natural Jamaican trees, plants, birds, and snakes. The land still produces fruits such as bread fruit, bananas, sour sap, and apples. I also found it interesting to learn that bananas were brought to Jamaica by the Spanish during the 15-16th century. Bananas have now become a major Jamaican export that grows and looks similarly to the plantain.

After witnessing the wonders of hundred-foot bamboo and oak trees, the highlight of the 4th of July for me was being able to hold a live Boa Constrictor! Once the snake got on my neck, I felt comfortable holding her and was actually able to fully enjoy myself.

Next, we had the pleasure to see full grown, blue and black peacocks! Their wings were at full span and their presence was breathtaking. I learned that the peacock is most likely ready to mate or fight when in its well-known stance.

Finally, we traveled up a limestone waterfall that had natural pools and caves on the way up. The water along the waterfall flows all the way into the mountains.  The tour guide said the water was full of minerals and antioxidants that are great for the body. The Konoko Falls guide gave me a firsthand view of Jamaica’s beauty that most people only see in pictures. I couldn’t ask for more, but we still had more fun in store!

The weather at The Ochos Rios Bay Beach was fairly mild when we arrived. The sand was soft and had a perfect khaki shade. I was surprised by the warmth and shallowness of the water. We played tag and swam around the clear blue water. The beach was great for the most part, however my experience was hurt by sea urchins scattered around the sea floor. I had about eight splinters in my foot by the time I got home.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time at Ochos Rios and my expectations of an island beach were met. This day gave me a greater appreciation for nature and the free beauty around us.


Jordan T., Paul Public Charter School


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