Going Forward

Dear LearnServe Family,

As we consider the recent presidential election, we stand with our brothers and sisters, alumni, and partners of all races, religions, nationalities, economic backgrounds and political persuasions in saying that there is never a place for bigotry, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and antisemitism, the likes of which has been increasingly legitimized in this presidential campaign. There is always room for healthy discussion of public policy. Never for inciting hate.

We have been touched by the outpouring of Facebook messages, tweets, emails, and conversations with our LearnServe family over the past days. You embody so much of what we admire in a leader: open-minded, curious, willing to listen, patient, collaborative, passionate, and committed. You believe in a future that is brighter than the present for all people – not just a narrow few.

Injustice is not new in this country. Similarly, changemaking has never been easy. It may not be easy going forward. Your work and ours is even more urgent now. Know that we stand with you as together we work to pull out the roots of prejudice in our society, as well as in ourselves.

Thank you for who you are, what you do, and how you are in the world. You are the ones who keep us inspired, who keep us motivated, who give us hope for the world our own children will grow up in. We are grateful to have you as our LearnServe family. And we look forward to continuing this work alongside you.

Thank you,

Scott and Sabine

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