LearnServe Paraguay 2017: Excited about Paraguay (6/27/17)

Well, there are many things I am interested in and excited for on this trip. I am excited to meet my host family in Tobati. I am excited to speak to their kids and to eat their food. I want to live the life of a Paraguayan and to understand their ups and downs. I am most excited to spend time with the students of Paraguay because I am super curious to understand their way of life. I hope to teach everyone I meet about the United States and to share that it is a great country with a lot to offer. I hope that when they think about the United States in the future, they will remember our group and me and the fun times we had together on this trip.

Finally, I am excited about riding in a plane. This is my first time in an airplane (and I’m going to Paraguay!!). I am nervous, sure, and even a bit petrified but, most of all, I am excited. I’ll get to see the world from high above the clouds…

FAST FORWARD MANY HOURS (after a long day of travel)…

The plane ride was very cool, but it was not what I imagined. I imagined a small, cramped metal bucket with little to do but look out a window, smell the breath of passengers next to you and listen to the cries of babies. While all of that is true, there is so much more I never knew.

On the first flight from Washington, DC to Panama City, I was in the middle seat between two strangers. I slept for the first two hours, and the only sound I could hear was the rumbling of the jet engines. I woke to lunch, and, while I ate, I began to chat with my plane buddy, Felipe, and, for the next 4 hours, we learned so much about each other. You can meet some amazing people on a plane. My conversation with Felipe got me excited about finally landing in Paraguay and meeting and talking with Paraguayan citizens.

Without a plane, I could never have gone up to 25,000 feet (or more) in the air. I saw the clouds and flew through the clouds while in the plane. I experienced take off and landing and turbulence my cousin complained about. I even dealt with TSA! And, I think I saw Cuba!!! This was a new and exciting experience unlike anything I could have imagined!

Joke of the day:
How did the toilet paper cross the road? …

It got stuck in a crack.

Avery W., Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School

2 thoughts on “LearnServe Paraguay 2017: Excited about Paraguay (6/27/17)

  1. Avery, I loved reading your Blog and your description and impressions of your first plane ride. Yes, exciting and terrifying at the same time. You write quite well. May this be the beginning of many flights worldwide. And I would love to be your travel consultant.

  2. Thanks for the story Avery! I am very excited for your group. Paraguay is a very special place and this is a one of a kind trip. I hope to return one day myself.


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