Travel Abroad, Empowerment at Home

Dear LearnServe Community,

As I write, 54 LearnServe students and teachers have arrived in Jamaica, Paraguay, Zambia, and (for the first time!) South Africa. They’re learning first-hand how social entrepreneurs create sustainable, community-based change around the world.

LearnServe is proud to partner with Eastern High School and DCPS’ Empowering Males of Color Initiative to send students to South Africa for the first time. The group will explore the vibrant social enterprise scene in Johannesburg and Cape Town, conduct a human-centered design workshop with their South African peers, and volunteer in local organizations.

Stay up-to-date with the trips: check out daily blog posts and photographs!

“Inspired to take risks” is the title of Malcom Thomas’ final blog post from Zambia last year (LearnServe Zambia ’16). In it, he reflects on the unique power of international travel as a catalyst for local change. “The risk that I will now take when I arrive back home, “ he decides, “is to be more open to different topics and other people’s opinions.”

Malcom’s insights show us exactly why LearnServe takes young social entrepreneurs abroad. Our students build the courage to travel far outside their comfort zones, and the strength to grow as leaders through these experiences.

Please help us ensure that all students have the opportunity to expand their worldviews through a gift to LearnServe. The first $1,500 in contributions made through June 30 will be matched. Time is almost out – give today to double your impact!

In celebration of courage and growth,

Sabine Keinath
Director and COO
LearnServe International

P.S. The first $1,500 of gifts received before June 30th will be matched. We invite you to join us in launching a new generation of social entrepreneurs in our region. Contribute online at: learn­

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