LearnServe Jamaica 2017: Planting seeds and building skills (7/3)

Today we had a very chill day. I had finally gotten some food that reminded me of home: Sausage, eggs, toast and cereal. You’ll be surprised by the littlest things you can miss from home. We went back to Mary’s Child home to see the girls and to make progress on the new garden we are making for them. Some of them joined us. I felt that we broke the awkwardness between us and the girls. Making a lot of jokes, small talk, sharing music and even dancing helped get us through the tough work in the yard. After lunch, we tried to have one-on-one time with the girls. We introduced them to the Khan Academy which helps boost your education with free tutoring online. I even downloaded Adobe Flash Player and taught some keyboard techniques that will help with typing. The moment that most stands out in my head from today is when I taught how to use the delete button on the keyboard. This made me realize that no one had taught her how to use a keyboard, which is a skill important for future jobs. That moment made me want to help them more. I enjoyed that little time with the girls. I know that little things like this matter to others. I can’t wait to visit them next time.

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