LearnServe Jamaica 2017: Passing My Fears (7/8)

Today we visited The Hope Zoo and Botanical Gardens of Kingston Jamaica. I noticed many differences between the zoo in Jamaica and the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Back home at the National Zoo, we have a huge variety of animals, but here in Jamaica they have mostly birds and only a few four legged animals. The birds were mostly different species of parrots. The array of colors on these animals were breathtaking. Jamaica’s national bird is the swallowed tailed hummingbird, as we learned from the teen moms at the St Anthony Mary’s Child mission home, on the 4th of July. Oddly there were none exhibited in cages. The parrot or Macaws that are most seen in Jamaica are the yellow beaked and black beaked, which are smaller than the more popular Macaws that are very colorful.

At the zoo, there were a lot of cats roaming in the different cages while others animals were resting. This trip was personal to me because I have a phobia of all animals. It was really a challenge for me to get close to certain animals because I wasn’t sure of how they would react to our presence or me. Just the mere thought of a roaming dog or cat, let alone the goats we have seen everywhere in Jamaica, paralyzes me in fear. I don’t remember ever being bitten by an animal, but I feel so helpless in their presence. I was determined today to at least give it a try, especially since the animals were in cages, Once I focused more on our group, I was able to relax and walk through the zoo peacefully not really worried because my group was relaxed, which helped me to remain calm. Everyone really enjoyed their time at the zoo, especially when we were talking to the birds. The parrots actually could talk, which was a surprised. Not many people can say they actually had a bird say hello to them. When I think about the birds at the zoo, I think it’s really sad to know that these birds are caged and not allowed to have any freedom. In a way I am opposite to them because my fears cause me to push away the freedom I have. They are not in control of their freedom like I am. I noticed a lot about myself and the environment around me. I realize that I put too much worry around my environment, which makes me behave as if I am in a cage. Personally, I am excited that I was able to get through the zoo, I feel I am becoming more comfortable with being around animals. Some may not understand but even with them being locked away and the fact that I was with others who would protect me, I actually got passed my fears, though momentarily today at the zoo.

Dayanah G., SEED Public Charter School DC

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