LearnServe Paraguay 2017: Independent Surprises (7/10)

I surprised myself on this trip and I am pretty sure my mom will be amazed and impressed by how I have grown in the past two and a half weeks.

This was my first time on a plane. And I was going to Paraguay, of all places!! Before our plane took off, when it was not moving, I thought the plane ride was going to be like a car ride. It was going to be easy, and I wasn’t really worried. Then when the plane started to move, my heart dropped and I got so scared. The second time we had to get on the plane in Panama City, I already knew what to expect. I felt calm and really got to enjoy the views. I love window seats!!

Before the trip I was worried about missing my mom and that I was not going to enjoy the trip. I thought that I would think too much about my family and that I was going to cry every night. I didn’t think I was going to make it for two and a half weeks without calling my mom.

I also was nervous for my sister because I am the oldest sibling and I am always with her; we have not been apart from each other for more than 4 days and she depends on me a lot. I didn’t think she was capable of taking care of my brother and socializing with other people without me. But, boy did she surprise me! My friend from church posted a video with my sister in it; my sister was performing a skit with a group of people! So I called her after I watched the video to ask her about it. She sounded great – happy and confident. She seemed much better than I thought she would be.

This trip to Paraguay has helped me be more independent which was exactly my hope for this trip. I didn’t think it was going to be possible but it was. I surprised myself! I only cried for my mom on the Fourth of July because I knew my entirely family was together and I was missing the gathering. I missed my mom and family but not to the point where I wanted to go back home as quickly as possible.

My family is from El Salvador and we speak Spanish at home. Knowing Spanish helped out a lot in Paraguay. It was not only useful for me to understand the language so I knew what was going on, but I was able to help translate for my friends. I felt like a leader because I got to share an important skill with friends. I was also able to explain games, instructions, etc. to the kids we interacted with at the high school in Santa Rosalia, the daycare in Santa Ana and several other places. I didn’t really realize that being bilingual was so useful.

The teacher chaperone on this trip is my 9th grade biology teacher, Ms. Chadda. Just today, she told me that I was one of the students she was worried about the most because I am so close and attached to my family and have not ever left them for a long period of time. But I surprised her and I was actually the person she worried about the least. I quickly found a good group of friends among my LearnServe group and became super close to them. If I needed anything, they were there for me. I was also so comfortable in any situation, from the home stays to working at the daycare center, with which we were faced.

My mom was so nervous about letting me go on this trip and it took a lot to convince her that I would be safe and that this was an experience of a lifetime. But, as it turns out, Ms. Chadda and my mom didn’t need to worry. I am an independent, confident leader and excited about my next adventure!

Jhoana D., Capital City Public Charter School

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