LearnServe Paraguay 2017: Staying Strong and Making Memories (7/10)

Today is my fourth day with my host family. It’s going way better than a few days ago. Thank goodness. The first few days were emotionally exhausting and it took some time to adjust to living with strangers, to communicate without really knowing the language, and to get acclimated to the culture and the way of life here in the campo (countryside).

The food is amazing but they gave me very huge portions which I’m not used to. I felt like I was expected to eat all of the food so I didn’t appear rude and offend my host family. It’s also unusual that the water is so cold. Many of us have struggled with taking showers in ice cold water. And the bugs. Oh, those bugs! When bugs are around, my host sister doesn’t really pay attention to them. But in Washington, DC, people are quick to swat annoying flying insects away. There are so many differences between Paraguay and Washington, DC.

It’s now Saturday and we’ve been in Paraguay for almost a week. Today we are leaving Santa Rosalia, the campo, for Asunción, the city. When we said our goodbyes, everyone cried and it was a bit sad and heartbreaking. As we were exchanging hugs and numbers, I reflected on the memories I made during the last 5 days in Santa Rosalia. At the start of the home stay, I remembered crying a couple of times because I was so frustrated about not knowing Spanish well; I felt like an outsider with regards to the language. But, as the end approached, I began to get comfortable. My host family threw me a party to make me feel welcomed in their home and a part of their family. In Paraguay, people are genuinely interested in what you have to say. I was surprised how much they cared about my emotions, background, personality and interests. They wanted to know about my day.

Since the trip started, I have been overwhelmed. But, gradually, I have pushed myself to be strong, to step out of my comfort zone and to keep moving forward and do what’s best for me mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I have loved learning about and experiencing the food, culture and people of Paraguay.

Andrenae B., Ballou High School

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