LearnServe Paraguay 2017: The Santa Ana Experience: A Reflection on Privilege (7/8)

Santa Ana, a bañado of Asunción, is a place unlike I have ever seen. I have visited and lived in many places, but I was not expecting this. I, of course, researched and saw pictures of the bañados but being in the moment, seeing the houses, the people, the garbage in the streets, it is really not something a person can fully comprehend unless they are there experiencing it in person. There are stone streets covered with muddy, dirty water and trash from every plastic wrapping possible. The city smelled of feces and rotting food and stray dogs roamed the streets. The most recent flood, in January 2014, displaced at least 70 families in and disturbed many parts of the community of Santa Ana. The water engulfed entire houses, schools and other buildings. Despite these conditions and the threat of natural disasters, the residents persevere and have such spirit. Most of the people living in these conditions are some of the happiest and welcoming people I have met.

We are working with several organizations and schools in Santa Ana and have been absorbed into the community and the people within it. While the situation is very unfortunate and the issue has affected so many, they still remain optimistic and manage with what they have.

Before this experience, I never thought that keeping my pets clean and going to school that has a steady supply of clean water as privileges. This experience has taught me to see the world differently and has made me more aware of what I have compared to others. I have noticed that, despite their living situation, occupation or past experiences, the people of Santa Ana do not dwell on the past or the negative aspects of their lives like so many privileged people do. It is a skill that is important for everyone to have: to be able to have the perspective to recognize their own privilege, to be grateful for what they have, to work hard to get more and to not be discouraged by what they do not have. I will remember the lessons leaned from the community of Santa Ana as I continue through my high school career and beyond.

Also, I wanted to wish a belated happy Fourth of July to everyone back in the United States and a belated Happy Anniversary to my dad and stepmom!!! And, finally, a special thanks to my donors, Vikki Epps, Jenn Chen and my wonderful grandparents for their contributions towards making this trip to Paraguay.

Morgan M., Northwood High School


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