LearnServe Teacher’s Blog: A Day at the Beach (7/2)

July 2, 2017

This morning I woke up to the parrots squawking outside of my window. The cool breeze that flowed through my window filled my hot room with cool air. As I finished up my daily morning routine before breakfast, I went downstairs to receive our meal. The food was catered to by Mr. Clive Watson a local entrepreneur who owns his own restaurant and catering business. He is one of the Bennett’s favorite cooks. The Bennett’s housekeeper Ms. Venice assisted with serving us and assisting with clean up. They were both apart of our weekend meals. This Sunday we were served a variety of fruits, which included the Jamaican apple, pineapples, mangoes, and different melons. We also had muffins and chicken wraps. Those foods reminded me of home more than anything, because most of the muffins and fruits that we are items I typically buy when I go grocery shopping at home in the US. The only thing that required an acquired taste was the Jamaican apple. Compared to the apples of America, he Jamaican apple was not as sweet, but they were soft almost like pears you find in America.  After we were done eating I went back to my room to prepare for the scheduled activities for the day. This trip has taken a lot of twist and turns. It almost felt like my first year at SEED, because I did not know what to expect. At SEED, programs were getting switched up in the middle of the year, and people were getting fired, I really did not know what to expect this year. So going on this trip with the students with the constant unexpected itinerary changes did not throw me off too much, but it did get me thinking about why I get put in tough. We literally had to be ready for anything.

As I sat on my bed still in shock that I’m in Jamaica, I heard a student’s voice shouting, “It’s a beach day, it’s a beach day!” Instead of the museums and/or some other historical views, we were having a beach day! This caught me by surprise, but like I said we had to literally be prepared for anything. I felt like I was equipped after making it to the top of the Blue Mountains.

We embarked on our journey to the beach. As we were driving through Kingston, people were selling fruits everywhere. I noticed that KFC in Kingston was like our McDonald’s in America, they were everywhere. I don’t even see that many KFC’s in Washington DC. Besides the KFC’s we drove pass plenty of beautiful sights with the Blue Mountains in the midst of the clouds. We also drove pass 3 beaches if not more until we arrived at the Waves Beach of Jamaica.

When we arrived it was beautiful, the sand was black and brown, the waves were huge, the palm trees were blowing in the breeze, and there were cabanas and a bar you could sit at and order food or drinks. Walking along the beach with one of the other students to take pictures, I noticed an abandoned boat with logs around it with a name written on the front.

We all were having a great time at the beach, we were all in the water, catching seashells by the seashore, and writing our names in the sand. After leaving the beach we went to Mother’s which is a fast food restaurant but it started off as a Jamaican patty company. Then we proceeded to ISCREAM at Devon House a popular tourist spot in Kingston, where I got a 8oz container with pistachio and butter almond. The ice cream parlor made me feel like I was in America, because it looked so modern. There were also gift shops. I brought my mother, my girlfriend, and myself something. In the gift shop, they had all handmade jewelry and they are going to hit their 10 year anniversary this year. The owner of the shop, another entrepreneur, who specializes in supporting other artisans who craft and sell handmade products, has craft shows mostly Jamaica, but also, in New York and Florida. A man who was selling handcrafted jewelry from wood walked in selling his artwork, I actually tried on one of the rings and the wood was so smooth.

On our way back to Shortwood Teacher’s College where we are staying while in Kingston, we stopped at MegaMart, which is like America’s BJs, Costco, or Sam’s Club. We went there to get snacks, and items for our 4th of July celebration, so that we can have a presentation for the teen mom’s at the mission home. After we got everything we needed, we loaded back up on the travel van and headed back to Shortwood College in Kingston Jamaica.

Trip leader, Frank Mewborn

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