LearnServe South Africa 2017: Last Day with the Homestead Project (7/8)

Today was our last day working with The Homestead Project. It felt good to work with those kids and be able to teach them some of our games. Also, some of the kids were saying some positive things about what we did for their home. For example, one of the kids said “The field looks way better than it did at first.”  It feels good to hear that because we worked very hard and they appreciated what we did.

We also built a basketball court for the kids. At one point, I thought us building a court wasn’t going to turn out so good but it did because the kids were eager to play and to be taught how to play. Also, some kids already knew how to play!  This is important to me because I really love basketball; it’s something I really want to do for my career. Also, I think this helped me become a better leader for my basketball team because the little kids were following everything I did, so I had to make sure they were doing the right thing. This experience will help me relate to my basketball team.

Another game that we played with them was a game called “Ping Pong,” which is the same thing as “Table Tennis.” I think this game was very successful because most of the kids were lined up to play and I think they were still playing when we left. A kid named Matthew, around the same age as us, said to me “I’m glad you guys built this table for us, we been wanted to play this game but the table was broken so we couldn’t play. But you guys came and fixed it. Thank you.”

Later on that day, we went to “RocoMamas,” a very good restaurant that sells burgers. It’s even better than some restaurants back at home. Something that caught my eye at that restaurant was a burger named after Donald Trump’s tweet. It was called “Covfefe,” and for the picture it had a white man with orange hair. So I found that funny, and it was my first time seeing that.

In closing, we ended our day at a special restaurant for dinner called “ExtraBlatt.” There, we had chicken with fries or steak and fries. That place was good. In closing, today was a successful day because we accomplished things, ate some good food, and everyone enjoyed participating in our service work.

Devon J., Eastern High School

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