LearnServe Zambia 2017: Leaving Livingstone (7/10)

Leaving Livingstone today was a bittersweet feeling. Part of me was happy to be starting the long journey home, while the other was sad to be leaving a place that I have grown so connected to. The 7-hour bus ride however, gave ample time for reflection. I was able to think about the huge impact this trip has made on my life. I gained not just a tremendous amount of world knowledge but also a deeper understanding of who I am as a person and my place in the world. The experiences I’ve had here and the people I’ve met are things that I never could have imagined or asked for. From the girls at Gladys’ who were a beautiful insight into the power of education, to our South African friends at Greenpop who gave us a powerful lesson in cultural boundaries and exploration, Zambia has been a truly impactful and meaningful experience that I will never forget.

Madison C., Springbrook High School

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