LearnServe Zambia 2017: Victoria Falls (7/11)

Today we embarked on an adventure as full-blown tourists. We started our day with a hardy breakfast made by the hotel chefs.  We then got on the bus and traveled to Victoria Falls, which the locals call “ Mosi-Oa-Tunya.” The falls were very beautiful. As we continued to explore we crossed a bridge that went really close to the waterfall. By the end of the bridge everyone was soaked from the mist. We then walked twenty minutes down the cliffs to the “ Boiling Pot”. It was a very unique site, where we all took a group picture and a couple of selfies. As we made our way back to the top, a family of baboons accompanied us. This was a great moment for me because I never seen a monkey outside of a cage.  However, others weren’t as excited as I was! Some of the LearnServe girls ran out of fear of getting their belongings snatched. Now I can say that I shared a sidewalk with wild monkeys.

After the falls we went to the market where locals traveled from their villages to sell crafts. The next activity was going on a jeep safari. We boarded jeeps and headed off into the wild. As we traveled we saw elephants, impala, crocodile (which is very tasty; we had it on pizza at a local restaurant), zebras, and even rhinos. The rhinos were the best part to see because we got off the jeep and got really close. We had to be escorted by police to see them. The White Rhino is in danger of becoming extinct so they have to be protected by armed guards due to poaching. Lastly we ended the night at the waterfront Café. We had a table that had the perfect view of the Zambezi river.

Autumn J., Central High School

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