LearnServe Paraguay 2018, Day 1: My Return To Paraguay

Sunday, June 24 – My second trip to Paraguay started with excitement. My excitement is just as palpable as last years, but it also feels different. This year, there won’t be José pushing Grace in the pool or the late night rap cyphers in our rooms at the hostel. There won’t be anyone saying “es Scott” or another chicken story (read last year’s blog). But even though I have great memories from last year, I am excited to create new memories and to see what lies ahead for a new group of LearnServe Abroad students and me this summer in Paraguay.

The reason I came back to Paraguay again this summer was to share the teen perspective that was somewhat lacking last year. Last year it felt at times hard to open up to the adults and mentors because they were adults and sometimes could not relate to how we were feeling or what we were experiencing. To compensate, we would all gather in the same room at night and talk forever. This was cool and a great bonding experience, but it was not very efficient when it came to our reflection times. This was part of the reason I accepted the LearnServe Abroad internship to give this year’s international fellows an official way of disclosing their feelings with someone who could relate to them.

Also, I made a promise to a Paraguayan girl name Irres (pronounced e reese) that I met last year. She gave me a handmade bracelet that was so beautiful. She said “Avery, please come back.” And, I said “I don’t know if I can.” She said “Please. I want you to make me laugh again.” Of course, all of this was in Spanish so my interpretation of our conversation could be completely wrong, but… I saw it in her eyes. When I told Irres I would come back to Paraguay, she jumped with joy. When I got the news about the Abroad internship I texted Irres but she didn’t respond, so now I have to give her the good news face-to-face. Wish me luck!

My expectation for this trip is to help solve a problem in the community of Santa Rosalia. I want to see the impact of our work and make sure it will last them a lifetime. I want the community to remember this year’s LearnServe students not only for the fun we will have but also for the work we will accomplish together. I expect our students to learn a lot and use what they learn to make a impact back home.

Avery W., LearnServe Abroad Intern | Thurgood Marshall Academy (Class of 2018)

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