LearnServe Jamaica 2018, Day 6: Hiking Day! It’s the People you Meet

Friday, June 29 – Hiking Day! We knew it was coming for us eventually, but now it was actually here. We woke up to a delicious breakfast with some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had, thanks to Miss Robyn (the owner and director of E.I.T.S.); the breakfast was short-lived however because we had to start warming up before the hike.

The hike began smoothly, but a few steps in we found out that this wasn’t any old normal hike, it was a scavenger hunt hike. This forced us to keep a close eye on the mountain environment around us. The goal was to find the resources that are used to grow plants (such as a shovel, a seed tray, soil, and water). We did this in order to get to know the objectives and processes of E.I.T.S. better. E.I.T.S. has strong collaboration with the local community, and they focus on growing local, organic food to feed tourists and locals alike.

The hike was not easy – I repeat not easy; it took us about 2 hours to reach the top which brought us to an elevation of 24 miles above sea level. It wasn’t hard to breath though thankfully. To reach the top of the mountain was unmatched by anything I’ve ever felt before. It was very empowering. Our angel Miss Robyn happened to come to our rescue again. While at the top of the mountain, she brought snacks and sandwiches so we wouldn’t walk down on empty stomachs. On the way back the clouds began to blitz us at rapid speed, and rain began to fall with no mercy, leaving everything and everyone wet in its path. After getting back we bonded playing house games like Mafia and Spoons, and having a good laugh.

Dinner was terrific. Everyone devoured the food served to us; with some of us reaching for four to five servings. To top it off, after dinner we had s’mores and started a bonfire, which lit up the night. Everyone enjoyed the luscious flavor of the marshmallows. Then came Mr. Michael, Miss Robyn’s dad (a co-owner of E.I.T.S.), who finished the night off with a dance party, in which both workers and students could participate and dance the night away.

Since I’ve come to E.I.T.S. I’ve experienced it all. The food has been amazing (which was pleasantly surprising to me because I had my doubts at first) , and the rooms are beautiful and unique. The second day at E.I.T.S. was a wild one and I learned a lot. It showed me that to conquer a tall and unyielding mountain, it takes more mind power than brute strength. Yet what I took away most from being out here was said by our mountain angel Robyn: “It’s not the money that keeps you going, it’s the people you meet and the experiences you have.”

Omar M., Paul Public Charter School

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